Zoe is a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist and an experienced Trainer and Consultant. She has over 22 years experience of providing psychotherapy to women and men who have experienced rape, sexual assault and/or childhood sexual abuse; and providing training and consultation to professionals who work with victims/survivors of sexualised traumas (whether therapeutically or within the criminal justice system).
Zoe is generally recognised as having specialist knowledge/expertise with regard to human behaviour/response when faced with a perceived threat (especially sexual threat).
Zoe held the full time position of Senior Practitioner at Portsmouth Area Rape Crisis Service (PARCS) from 1994 to 2009.

I am a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist (registration number 04156573). I trained at Metanoia Institute and qualified in 2004 with an MA in Integrative Psychotherapy (prior to which, in 1998 and 2000, I completed a diploma and a BA Hons in Integrative Counselling at Chichester Univerisity). I am EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) trained to Advanced Level and I have also trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma.
I have expertise in sexualised trauma, domestic abuse, victim behaviour, sex offending and the interviewing of victims of sexual crimes. Additionally I have considerable knowledge regarding the therapeutic needs of victims/survivors of rape, sexual assault, child sexual exploitation/abuse and domestic abuse.
I have over 22 years experience of working therapeutically with women and men who have experienced sexualised trauma(s). I have provided training and consultation to all police forces in England and Wales; and many other professionals including Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers, Social Workers, Teachers, Forensic Medical Examiners (FMEs), Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs), Counsellors and Crisis Workers. I have been commissioned by a number of police forces and CPS areas to provide expert testimony, explaining victim behaviour in rape, kidnap and domestic abuse cases.